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IO Education

IO Education
850+ Districts10 of the top 50 U.S. public school districts use IO Education.  Find out how we can help you with data integration, analytical tools, assessment platforms, professional growth solutions and more.
8,000+ School AdministratorsIO Education helps schools of all sizes with access to information and the ability to take action. Learn more about the solutions you need to develop staff, grow students and involve your community.
150,000+ TeachersEvery minute of a teacher’s day is important.  IO Education knows how important your time is.  Learn how our solutions are created with you in mind – helping you manage your day-to-day and the goals that you have for your students.
6,000,000+ Parents & StudentsStudent achievement soars when parents and students are actively engaged. Learn how IO Education’s solutions make access to grades, attendance, behavior and two-way teacher communication a snap.